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Places I've Worked

I was there! Recent BBH work / July 2011

It’s been really nice to see some things that I worked on being put out into ‘the real world’ – which has happened a few times recently.

1. The new Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) website, found at www.bartleboglehegarty.com.

Way back in August 2010 when I was interning at BBH, I was given a brief to create wireframe and ‘look and feel’ mock-ups of the agency’s new worldwide site. I was given basic instructions that a carousel design would be used, and was given the freedom to create something representative as a starting point for debate and brainstorming.

9 months later, in May 2011 the new site was launched, housing BBH work from around the globe. The carousel design stayed, as did a few of the small details I had put into those early diagrams – which I am very proud of.

The new site is much more fitting of BBH as a forward-thinking ad agency in the digital age; is intuitive and graphically excellent.

The new BBH website

2. Champion of the Playground for Fruit Shoot, found here http://fruitshoot.com.

Following on from the success of their ‘Skillicious’ campaign in 2009, BBH were back working with Fruit Shoot. While 2009/10 was all about “What is your skill?”, the theme for 2010/11 was going to be “What is your skill level?”.

I was again involved at the very early stages of the design process, predominantly in looking at the potential concepts and technological possibilities of what ended up as the ‘Skills Kit’ in the finished campaign.

A very sweet campaign, which I think works well within the Fruit Shoot brand.

A fascinating and eloquent behind-the-scenes description of the design process for this campaign can be found on the BBH Labs site here. Definitely worth a read if you’re a fan (and why wouldn’t you be).

Congrats to everyone involved, especially Simon and Manu who I know must have worked themselves into the ground for this project.

About Ben Lynam

Product Designer who likes to do things differently.


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